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Home » 2015 » October » 22 » PHOTOS/VIDEO: Rafael Nadal at the Banco Sabadell event in Valencia. 22 Oct. 2015
PHOTOS/VIDEO: Rafael Nadal at the Banco Sabadell event in Valencia. 22 Oct. 2015


photo: Irene Marsilla/EFE; Manuel Bruque/EFE


Translation by @genny_ss:

Rafa's talking about his tough season, particularly how for 1st time in his career he's been unable to control his mind/emotions on court. The announcer asks Rafa if he's OK ohysically. Rafa says that among all the negative things, it's important to note he's healthy & hopes to be able to finish the season this way, so that he can continue working as much and as well as he's doing now.
Rafa's asked if 14 GS is the limit. Rafa says his goal's never been a certain # of GS. 1 looked like many at the beginning & he's got to 14. Announcer says that it was said that he wanted to surpass the 17 GS of Fed & Rafa says that's the goal of those who write, not his goal :)
Rafa's now talking about the anxiety he's had during the season and repeats that things have improved enormously now.
Rafa's asked if there has been any moment during the season that he's been about to throw the towel & give up. Rafa says none at all. At no time he's felt tired or felt that he couldn't continue. He's also asked if he's thought of changing the coach. Rafa says that since he was a kid, he's assumed his responsibility & if things are done wrong on court, that's all him to blame.
Rafa's now asked about his plans, how to recover form to be again the player he was. Rafa says he's not keen of looking at the past. He's the player he is & is always trying to work hard to improve things to become a better player, w/o references to the past or anything. He then talks about the tactical changes they're working in and that started to were implemented during the Asian tour.
It's now time to talk about Rio's OG. As we know, Rafa says he loves the OG & his biggest upset was not being in London in 2012, so he's very excited about the possibility of participating in Rio. He doesn't know if the results will be good or not, but he's hopeful to compete for all the important titles in 2016 if he can go on being healthy and working as he's doing now.
Rafa's now asked about what are his plans for when he retires from tennis. Rafa says that for now he's totally committed & motivated to go on playing tennis & thus it's difficult for him to even imagine that situation. Of course there are a couple of things that are there for when the time arrives. That is, his Foundation (recalls all the work they're doing in India & other ONG in Spain) and also the Academy.
Rafa's now talking about what has moved them to open the Academy, in Manacor. He says they all are very motivated because it means to work on what is their passion: tennis and formation of young people.
Of course, Rafa's asked about marriage.... heh! Mery is there and Rafa jokes w/ the announcer telling him not to ask him about that & put him in a bad position [laughs galore]. More seriously, Rafa says that he & Mery agree in not getting married before his career's over. He says there is time and moments for everything and that's how both of them see things. He's a very family person & wants to enjoy it fully.
The passing of his grandpa comes out in this convo. Rafa says the 1st tournament (Beijing) after his passing was a bit difficult because you are used to be in touch w/him, but he's tried to follow w/his normal life as much as he could since he knows that's what his grandpa wanted.
Rafa's asked tax havens and why he hasn't taken his money to any of them. He thinks it's not worth, at least not worth for him. He could have had more money if he had done it, but he's happy enough with what he has. It's true that they have to pay a lot because they earn a lot. But he thinks he has to do it, pretty much in the same way the rest of Spaniards pay their taxes.
Rafa talks about his pride of being Spanish. He, who travels so much around the world, is more and more convinced that there are few places like Spain, in all aspects of life.
Rafa's now talking about criticisms. He has no problem with it provided they're done w/ respect. For him, the most important thing is to be satisfied with yourself. Then, people can tell whatever they want (respectfully).
They're recalling Rafa's been linked to Banc Sabadell since he was born 'cause his aunt works n this bank & opened the account when was born. Finally, they're mentioning the spots of the new campaign. Apparently they were shot during summer & it was quite hot to be wearing the suit.
The announcer wish Rafa good luck and he's sure he'll be, since he thinks luck has to "smile" to good persons like him. Oh... they're now reading questions from people.
The 1st is if Rafa gets affected when people say that he's done. Rafa says, not much.
The 2nd is related to the importance of the mind in tennis. Rafa says that yes, it's important, but if you're unable to send the ball where it has to go, the mind will mean very little. Mind and good game is needed.
The 3rd a& last question is if Rafa is aware of how much he means for people [Rafa's blushed a bit, I think]. Rafa says that he's from a small village in Mallorca & he can't imagine what he means for people. He just tries to go his way doing things & best as he can & that's it. 


Рафа говорит о трудном сезоне, в частности, что это 1-й раз в его карьере, когда он был не в состоянии контролировать свои эмоции на корте. Но важно отметить, что он здоров и надеется, что сможет закончить сезон так, чтобы он мог продолжать работать, так много, как он делает сейчас.

Вопрос: 14 ТБШ - это предел. И хотел бы он превзойти 17 ТБШ Федерера.
Рафа сказал, что это цель тех, кто пишет, а не его цель.

 Рафу спросили, был ли момент в течение сезона, когда он был готов бросить полотенце и сдаться. Рафа сказал, что нет. Он очень быстро чувствовал себя усталым или чувствовал, что он не мог продолжать.

Думал ли о смене тренера.
Рафа говорит, ещё с тех пор, когда он был ребенком, он несёт ответственность и, если все сделано неправильно на корте, некого винить, кроме себя.

О его планах, как восстановить былую форму.
Рафа говорит, что он не любитель смотреть в прошлое. Он игрок и всегда пытается работать, чтобы улучшить положение вещей, чтобы стать лучшим игроком. Затем он рассказывает о тактических изменениях в работе и о том, что они начали применять их в течение азиатского турне.

Олимпиада в Рио.
Рафа говорит, что любит Олимпиаду и был очень расстроен, когда не смог играть в Лондоне в 2012 году, так что он очень взволнован возможностью участия в Рио. Он не знает, какими будут результаты, но он надеется, бороться за все важные титулы в 2016 году, если он будет здоровым.

Его планы после ухода из тенниса.
Рафа говорит, что сейчас он полностью мотивирован, чтобы продолжать играть в теннис и, таким образом, для него трудно даже представить себе эту ситуацию. Конечно, есть несколько вещей, которыми он будет заниматься: это его Фонд , а также Академия.

О браке...
Рафа говорит, что он и Мери договорились не женятся прежде, чем он не закончит карьеру. Он очень семейный человек и хочет, чтобы насладиться этим полностью.

О смерти его дедушки.
 Рафа говорит 1-й турнир (Пекин) после его смерти было немного трудно.

Рафа о своей гордости быть испанцем. Он, много путешествует по всему миру, все больше и больше убеждается, что есть несколько мест, как Испания, во всех аспектах жизни.

Перевод: Tanika Molvi

Views: 1022 | Added by: tanika | Tags: Rafael Nadal, valencia, Banco Sabadell, 2015 | Rating: 0.0/0
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